Mike finished up his first year of his Ph.D. program here in Texas. With a straight A semester might I add? I am one proud wife :) We are busy and happy here in Bryan, Texas. We feel so blessed to have each other, our babies, our little house, our "swagger wagon", and good friends. Here are some pictures from the past months.
Jonah is a potty training champ. Here he is in his Mater Tow Truck underoos. He also likes dressing up his teddy bears.
We loved (yes, it is in the past tense already) the spring here and spent lots of good time outside.
Jonah wasn't so sure about riding horses this time around.
We celebrated Easter with our little Nemo-bunny. I have the Easter and Halloween stuff in the same storage box and Jonah insisted on trying on his costume again.
He found lots of eggs...and candy. Some of it melted, but it all tasted just fine to him.
We planted two square foot gardens and we've enjoyed zucchini, tomatoes, onions, and radishes so far. Jonah loves helping me pick tomatoes and water/drown the plants.
We've got a little over 5 weeks until we meet our baby girl. And, no we don't have a name picked out. Jonah told me the other day that he was going to snuggle his baby sister and sing "I am a Child of God" to her. Does life get any better?